29 April 2010

We'll be alright.

Lately I've been really frustrated with the weather. Winter should be OVER. My fleece jacket should have been put away for at least two weeks now. I know a lot of other people who think that this winter is just dragging on. Today I was driving around with the windows down, more out of stubbornness than anything else. It's not really that warm, but I'm going to try my hardest to absorb any bit of warm sunshine that I can. It reminds me of a flower opening and stretching towards the sun.

I feel like that pretty much sums up how this winter was for me. There was a lot of darkness...so much so that I had to really search to find anything to comfort me. It was totally one of those experiences that sucks at the time, but afterwards, I can look back and say, "I see what God was trying to teach me through that." I really had to cling to little signs of life - the "simple things" - to keep me going.

And thankfully, mercifully...spring is still coming.


  1. Woot!

    "It reminds me of a flower opening and stretching towards the sun." So poetic.

    Hey! Someone (you) should write a new poem for the blog. Eh, eh? Do it! (For your next post. Like, now.)

  2. LOL. Be careful what you wish for.

    Thankfully, mercifully . . . autumn is still coming.
