09 October 2009

Counting My Blessings

I love that when I ignore God, he continues to be faithful. I do not love the fact that I ignore God, by the way...just the faithful part. These past six months or so have been extremely dark for me, but just when I think I'm beyond repair, someone comes into my life and just through their very nature gives me hope again.

Tonight in cell we were telling stories about people being kind to us. Bryce noted, "Think about these experiences. These people were being Jesus to you. That's exactly what Jesus did...lived among people and showed them love and kindness." I am so blessed to have so many people that are Jesus to me everyday! I don't think about that enough.

I have started to realize how completely ungrateful I am. I complain about how much reading I have to do for school, how many hours I have to stand for work, how cold my house is, how my phone has to be rebooted in the middle of something important, how my internet cuts out sometimes, how we only have one bathroom, how I have to wait a week between Glee episodes, and a million other completely ridiculous things. I don't think "complaining" or "venting" are in and of themselves bad things, but at least for me, I completely let these things define my attitude.

Every night before I go to bed, I'm going to think of at least one thing to be thankful for. Something that went well that day. Whether it be something as big as "I got in a car accident and didn't die" or as small as "I had a really good hair day," I'm going to focus on these things. I don't want to let negativity run my life anymore! There is no such thing as an inconsequential or small blessing.

Thank you, all, for being Jesus to me. You know who you are, and you are loved and appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good perspective to have, Kat. This will do big things for you. Also note, you are not as good at ignoring God as you might think. :)
